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The Book “Pandemic and Lockdown Through the Eyes of an Architect” has been translated into English.


Marta Miret Roríguez in her new book “Pandemic and Lockdown Through the Eyes of an Architect” brings architecture closer to us by giving us a vision of how the architecture profession sees the situation that is being experienced in 2020, a global pandemic.

The book is an essay that expresses the feelings of a young architect within the context of a pandemic and the turbulence it has created for us all.
Marta has always instilled an unusual human touch into her architecture.
In this book, she describes various pandemics in history in relation to architecture and urban planning. It is an enjoyable, easy to read, and also educational work that reflects the curiosity of an architect during the lockdown, and her questions and answers from the essence of architecture.
She manages ―and this is not easy to do― to link the pandemic to architecture with a subtle, deep, global focus and the human touch acquired during her retreat.
-It is my hope and wish that these turbulent times will soon end, and that the vaccine that we’re all anxiously awaiting will allow us to return to normalcy. But, after reading this book, I’m not so sure anymore.
As architects, we must ask ourselves questions about the future.

Fuente: Archdaily